Home / Academics / Faculty / Environmental And Bio Sciences & Technology / Department of Biotechnology

Prof. Anil Kumar
01662 263165
Faculty of Environmental and Bio Sciences & Technology
Welcome to Department of Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology is marked by rigorous academic and research with incredibly talented individuals. The Department offers Integrated B.Sc.(Life Science)-M.Sc. Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Botany/ Zoology/Chemistry, M.Sc. Biotechnology and M.Sc. Microbiology as well as two Ph.D. Programs in Biotechnology and Microbiology. We have emerged as a centre of excellence and innovation in imparting quality teaching and training to propagate multi-disciplinary research activities in diverse field of biological science with a focus on Plant Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology and Nanobiotechnology. The department train and mentor the next generation of scientists in diverse fields of life-science-research blended with cutting edge technologies in service of mankind at all levels. Diverse community of students, staff, and faculty of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, and individuals with disabilities, is one of the highest priorities of the department. Together, we work to discover new knowledge for understanding and decoding some of the world’s most challenging problems related to human health, energy, food, and the environment. We place high value on creating and nurturing a supportive environment for studying, working, and living that promotes physical and mental well-being and facilitates each individual to attain their full potential.
Department is equipped with ultra-modern equipments with state of the art laboratory facilities and has dedicated faculty engaged in the genetic improvement of industrially, agriculturally and medicinally important plant and microbes through recombinant DNA technology, genomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics and bioinformatics approaches. Department is also working on nano material synthesis, nano biosensors, application and toxicological studies of nano materials. Department has excellent Bioinformatics facility with financial assistance under BIF Program from the Department of Biotechnology, Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Department has been supported under SAP/DRS-II Program from UGC, New Delhi, FIST-II from Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi and TEQIP III -World Bank Assisted Project.
The Department has started Integrated B.Sc.(Life Science)-M.Sc. Biotechnology/Microbiology/Botany/Zoology/Chemistry from the session 2023-24 as per National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 with an aim to nurture budding scientific talent towards pursuit of Biotechnology/Microbiology/Botany/Zoology/Chemistry. Apart from the basic and advanced courses in natural/biological sciences, the curriculum enables the student to undertake a Summer Internship of 4 weeks to create professionals who are equally comfortable with both science and technology.
A two years (Four Semesters) M.Sc. Biotechnology Programme is sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Apart from the basic and advanced course in biotechnology, students have to undergo a 14 to 16 weeks of Investigation Problem during the 4th semester which forms an integral part of the course curriculum major thrust being on research areas pertinent to plant biotechnology, food biotechnology, animal biotechnology, microbial biotechnology. Each of the enrolled students under DBT sponsored seats is eligible for monthly stipend as per DBT guidelines.
A two years (Four Semesters) M.Sc. Microbiology Programme is offered for imparting quality education for commercial exploitation of microorganisms for the production of value added products and services.
The Vision
The Department is committed to achieve high standards in both research and teaching and train competent technocrats and creating knowledge power house in the areas of Biotechnology and Microbiology. The Department aspires to lead in the areas of Plant Biotechnology, Microbial Biotechnology, Genomics, Metabolomics and Nanobiotechnology with a focus on identified areas with high economic impact.
The Mission
- To achieve high standards of teaching by innovating pedagogy, instilling in students the ability to be lifelong learners and continually upgrading the course curriculum in line with international standards to meet the requirement of industry and research community.
- To provide CBCS, LOCF and NEP-2020 based curriculum for the professional development of students as per their aspirations.
- To provide conducive environment for faculty members and doctoral students to excel in teaching and research.
- To create opportunities and a supporting infrastructure for students through laboratory courses, thesis and trainings in basic and applied areas of Biotechnology and Microbiology to achieve their aspirations.
- To promote creativity, critical thinking and problem solving aptitude among students so that they are ready for tomorrow’s world.