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Prof. Asha Gupta
About the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering
Welcome to Department of Environmental Science & Engineering
Establishment of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering is in line with one of the objectives of the university enshrined in its preamble to facilitate and promote studies and research in the field of Environmental Studies and Non-Conventional sources. The department has innovative, dynamic and fiexible course curricula in which students have choice to select the courses of their interest and undertake research projects. We strive to fulfill our vision, "Pursuance for excellence to achieve sustainable development", our mission "To impart training for capacity building to tackle various environmental challenges in an eco-friendly manner", and our objectives "To offer professional and job oriented course curricula to strengthen R&D activities and to offer consultancy and extension activities to stake holders". The faculty members are engaged in research in the frontier areas of science and technology. There are a number of R & D projects supported by various government agencies being implemented in the department. The laboratories are equipped with "State-of-the-Art" facilities. Students are provided with enabling ambience that promotes culture, sports, societal contributions, art, self-governance and human values. After successful completion of phase-1, the department has again been inducted in the Technical Education Quality Improvernent Programme-II (TEQIP-II) of the World Bank and Special Assistance Programme-II (SAP-II) of the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. The department has received FIST Grant from DST for infrastructure development.
Pursuance for excellence to achieve sustainable development.
To impart training for capacity building to tackle various environmental challenges in an ecofriendly manner.
i. To offer professional and job-oriented course curricula
ii. To strengthen research and development activities
iii. To offer consultancy and extension activities to stakeholders Promote outreach activities for societal benefit